
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Talking About My Ebook What the Future Holds ~ forex trading income tax


A few weeks ago I gave my almost one year old ebook a new read-through to check the validity and relevance of its content and to see if there were any improvements I could do. After reading the ebook and looking at how my vision through last year has evolved I realized that many changes and additions are due. Although the contents of the ebook right now are very valid and do point traders in the right direction in automated trading I feel that a lot of depth - particularly pertaining to system design - is currently missing from its contents. Of course, there is also the fact that the ebook is missing the last 2 experts from the Watukushay series, something that also must be added if the ebook is bound to keep up with this - seemingly ever-evolving - project. On todays post I want to talk to you about the ebooks future, the changes that will happen within the next few months and what I expect from all this evolution.

The first thing that will be certain is that the ebook will no longer be offered by itself. Through the past few months I have been giving this a lot of thought and I believe that the ebook does a better job at helping traders as part of the overall Asirikuy package. So from the next update, the ebook will be only available within Asirikuy. Of course, previous ebook customers will keep on getting the update but the option to buy the ebook by itself will completely disappear from this website. I believe that this is the way to go since it will allow people to have a "full view" of everything and to get a complete education in automated trading. I hope I will be able to create much more synergy between the ebooks contents and Asirikuy within the next release.

Regarding the contents, I believe that the current version leaves a lot of spaces open that need to be addressed. I reviewed the ebook with a friend who has some basic knowledge regarding automated trading and forex in general and he was a little bit overwhelmed by the amount of content and the ideas within some sections which required a good amount of time to assimilate. It took him a lot of time to follow many of the tutorials but -in the end- he was able to reproduce the Watukushay experts and their analysis on his own. I believe that a lot can be done to improve the teaching of coding within the ebook and a lot of emphasis in initial system development is also missing.

Perhaps one of the most important additions I plan to do is a whole section on mathematical exepctancy analysis which will provide people with some tools and tutorials to guide them through the first - and often the most critical - parts of system development. I will try to teach how to device an initial trading logic and an approach to trading, focusing on systematic building and the analysis of mathematical exepctancy using the EA I created for this purpose within Asirikuy. I think that with these and a few more changes, the ebook will be able to improve on its current state and better help traders achieve their goals to become long term profitable traders using automated trading systems.

I want the ebook to be the introductory and main piece of Asirikuy, a "tome of knowledge" so to speak, that gathers all my basic concepts in automated trading coupled with a lot of practical exercises, tutorials and guides to bring someone from "I dont have any idea" to "I have coded my first likely profitable trading system using my own ideas and analysis". Do you have any ideas about what the ebook should be ? Do you want to suggest any content additions ? reductions ? changes, etc ? What would you like to find in the ebook ? Please leave a comment :o)

It is difficult to say right now when this "major update" will be out, but probably I will be releasing it sometime before Aug 07. If you would like to learn more about the ebook and my journey in automated trading please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or joining Asirikuy to receive all ebook purchase benefits, weekly updates, check the live accounts I am running with several expert advisors and get in the road towards long term success in the forex market using automated trading systems. I hope you enjoyed the article !

forex trading income tax


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